There are many ways you can help us!

If you are a specialist or therapist working with children – contact us! You can work with our children ☺

If you can write applications for funding – contact us! We have many ideas to implement.

If you have some free time – contact us! Our patients often need a person who will take them to the class and wait until they finish the treatment.

If you want to help financially – use the account number on our site – we will be very grateful.

If you have a talent you want to share – contact us! You may sing fantastically, you cook delicious, you make origami or crochet. We can do workshops, auctions or concerts by supporting the Foundation financially. Why not? ☺

If you want to organize a supportive action for examle in your school, workplace – contact us! We will help you ☺

If you have another idea – write to us! We are very open to everyone and we will be happy to talk to you ☺

This is just a few ideas that came to our minds. Ways to help is much more. We do not want to face any restrictions. Do not be afraid to write, ask and propose. We are waiting for you ☺

Please fill out the form below to contact us

Data urodzenia
Miejsce urodzenia
Nazwa szkoły/uczelni, kierunek, rok ukończenia, uzyskany tytuł
Czy masz doświadczenie jako wolontariusz?
Jeśli tak, proszę podać jakie:
W jaki sposób chcesz pomagać?
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie powierzonych danych osobowych przez Fundację "KOKONOVO" zgodnie z Ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz.U. 1997r. Nr 133 poz. 883) do celów rekrutacyjnych i ewidencją wolontariuszy.